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December 27, 2023

Make the SHIFT towards a better environment for all


Evaluating scope 3 emissions from purchased goods and services is an essential part of establishing an organisation’s total carbon footprint. And if you have all that data, what else can you use it for? Here’s what environmental consultancy SHIFT Environment say on the matter:

Data is getting more and more important. When we have good data we can transform that into excellent environmental reports. And once you have excellent reports you can do lots more things.

Clients use SHIFT Environment reports for;

• Effective environmental strategy development – after all you can only manage what you measure. You also need to know where you are as well as where you’re going
• Compliance – Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) and Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme (ESOS)
• ESG reports for investors – the international banking community is looking for environmental credentials from the organisations they invest in. There may come a time soon where businesses can’t get investment without eco-credentials
• Increased profits – as well as direct savings on an organisations’ energy costs, making environmental improvements can lead to lots of other opportunities to increase profits. These can range from improved staff retention to selling more products and services. Take a look at our profit calculator to see what it could mean for your organisation :
• Post-construction energy evaluation – this allows clients to check that any environmental improvements they’ve made to their buildings actually achieves design intent

As well as specialising in UK social housing, we also do full environmental reporting for:

• Care homes
• Charities
• Architects
• Developers
• GP surgeries
• Rail carriage leasing companies
• Councils
• Supermarkets
• And we’ve even helped a millionaire reduce his electric bill!

Our reports cover, energy and CO2 emissions, water efficiency, waste management, responsible materials, flood risk, overheating risk, biodiversity and sustainable transport.

Our vision is to use data to pave the way to a utopian future. Imagine warm buildings that are inexpensive to run, surrounded by luscious biodiverse greenery and resilient to the adverse effects of climate change. The buildings are made from responsibly sourced materials and any waste is reduced and dealt with sustainably. Everyone in these buildings will enjoy being inside and outside and be safe in the knowledge that they are making their contribution to a sustainable world.

If you would like to be part of this future, please be in touch with your query. The SHIFT team are professional environmentalists and have a vast range of experience. We look forward to hearing from you. Click here to contact SHIFT now.

At Co2Analysis, we recommend SHIFT as the next step after you perform a GreenInsight Analysis. Book a demo and get started mapping out your scope 3 with some quick-wins and a deep dive, then go to SHIFT for the rest.